OpenCage GmbH - Elevated error rates – Incident details

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Elevated error rates

Started about 1 year agoLasted about 16 hours



Operational from 10:10 PM to 2:09 PM

Geocoding API - reverse

Operational from 10:10 PM to 2:09 PM


Operational from 10:10 PM to 2:09 PM

Geocoding API - forward

Operational from 10:10 PM to 2:09 PM

  • Resolved

    It's isolated to the Nuremberg, Germany, data center. We're directing all traffic to other data centers now.

  • Monitoring

    We're seeing elevated error rates of HTTP 504 with 0.15% of responses. There's been a network backbone maintenance this night and some connections between our clusters seem unstable. While HTTP 504 indicates a server disconnect none of the individual servers is offline. We're continue to monitor the situation.